Under construction, you hosers...go to www.frankleesprague.com "store" page until we sober up and finish this page. Now, take off eh!
Servicing all your SPRAGUE needs...
NEW release by the SB's!!!
Rock on with "4 New Smashing Songs!"
The coolest EP ever to have extended play...You knows it!
Click here for info on the new EP!
New release for August 2009! String Quartets No. 1 & 2 by Frank Lee Sprague! Experience the genius and talent of
the composer that is unmatched by anyone in music today.

Yo ho ho! A piratical Christmas for all with this brand spankin' new release from Frank Lee Sprague....Chris Sprague
plays drums on all tracks...get your copy now!

info on the new FLS Christmas LP here
Brand new and hot off the presses! It's the all new, all original "Fulton Chateau" by Frank Lee Sprague. 20 songs mean
a full hour of original Sprague genius...party on.
